090908 to 10 Melbourne Trip 2/3

Melbourne Trip Part 2/3
(mouse over photos to see description)
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08 Sept, Tuesday:
Paul brought YowCH to Balwyn to pick up the rented car. Hertz didn’t have the Camry we booked and gave us a Holden Omega instead. The Holden was an upgrade in drive quality, but downgrade in fuel consumption (finally about 9km/L).

We drove to Frankston, Mornington, Dromana, and Arthur’s Seat and visited Enchanted Maze and Tuck’s Ridge Vineyard then returned to Melbourne.

Pier at Dromana
Colourful beach houses
Chapmans' Look-out on the way up to Arthur's Seat
View of Dromana
One of the mazes at Enchanted Maze

Tuck's Ridge vineyard

In the evening, we had dinner with Mr Teh (TYLin chairman), Dr Kabir and Terry Hulme and family at Westfield at Doncaster.

09 Sept, Wednesday:
We drove off to the Grampians, passing Ballarat, Beaufort, Ararat (lunch), Pomonal and ending at Hall’s Gap. We reached D’Alton Lodges about 2:50pm and started off to the hiking trails immediately.
Old OZ flag at Ararat
Lodge 5 at D'Alton, Hall's Gap
Wild kangaroos at the courtyard

The first and easiest was Boroka Look-out, then Reed’s Look-out, The Balconies (previously Jaws of Death) and then Mackenzie Falls. We are proud to say that we made that 1.4km round-trip hike with 110m vertical steps (about 30 stories). By the time we are back at the car, the sun has set and we drove down the winding, narrow, unlit and cliff-hugging mountain road in darkness. Dinner was in the lodge, being toast bread and ham we brought along.
Boroka Look-out

A panoramic view:
Boroka Look-out - Click for larger photo

Reed's Look-out, photo taken by a Singaporean tourist

A panoramic view:
Reed's Look-out - Click for larger photo

Hiking to the Balconies
The Balconies

Mackenzie falls
Base of Mackenzie falls, 110m lower than the carpark
Making wood fire to heat the lodge

10 Sept, Thursday:
Setting out early in the morning to Lake Bellfield (reservoir), then drove to Pomonal for the Lavender Patch, then rushed on to Ballarat for Sovereign Hill.
Lake Bellfield reservoir, still very dry

A panoramic view:
Lake Bellfield - Click for larger photo

A wild deer in the woods
Wild lavenders
The farmed lavenders are not yet blooming
Lavender ice-cream

Hairy cattle, this is a young one, the horns are not long yet

We spent the whole afternoon at Sovereign Hill, which is one extensively preserved historical theme park.
Sovereign Hill school
Settlers with Esther
Gold refinery
Red-coat guards
Musket firing at 1:45pm
The corporal (who'll probably never be promoted)
Tin-smith shop
Candy shop
School children after school hours
Wesleyan Church
Coffin shop
Coach wheel workshop
Gold mine
David panning for gold
Chinese Camp provision store
Pigs at the Chinese Camp

After Sovereign Hill, we drove to Dr Kabir’s home for dinner. Liza’s Bangladeshi cooking was fantastic. On our way back to the Ngs’ place we were stopped by the police at a road block for alcohol test!
Dinner at Dr Kabir's place
Joseph and Daniel just before going to bed

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2 Responses to “090908 to 10 Melbourne Trip 2/3”

  1. is that a Holden? it looks just like a Chevy Malibu.

    i cant believe that Grace climbed the hill carrying Joseph – even i wouldnt do it without a load

  2. Yup, a Holden Omega, 2.0L or 2.2L V6 engine, roars nicely with power, but drinks really bad. Nice strong steel body panels.

    Grace carried Joseph down, I carried the cameras and Joseph up. But the fastest climber was David, who practically trotted up the whole flight of steps.

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