080414 Baby 3
Baby number 3 is coming! Here are the photos
(and shall be updated every now and then until born).
14 April 2008, at 7.7 weeks:
3 May 2008, at 10.1 weeks
12 May 2008, at 11.7 weeks
Next check-up on 9 June 2008, but no scans.
10 July 2008, at 20.1 weeks
It is quite clear that it’s a boy.
29 September 2008, at 31.7 weeks
Two more months to the due date of end-November 2008. This boy is VERY active, you can see him struggling as he pokes Grace with his arms and legs.
10 November 2008, at 37.7 weeks
Two more weeks to the due date of end-November 2008. Given Esther and David arriving early, this boy could come out early, too. Yes, it is a boy, the ultra-sound scans over two different times and two different sonographers reported it.
Weekly visit to the doctor from now.
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