090328 eFG picnic at Keppel Island

Our church family group, eFG, had a picnic at Keppel Island on 28 March 2009. We started at 3:00pm and ended at 6:00pm.

Having fun at the carpet grass park:

It was a ‘baking’ competition, the children and adults judged the food:

That’s Wynn taking the score:

And Quincy announcing that the Lims (Samuel) and the Lims (Hong Kian) had won by getting the highest scores:

Another round at the park and round the island:

That’s our friend, Steven Chia and family (yes, the Channel 5 morning guy):

That’s another friend, Ta Wen:

After the picnic, we rushed home, bathed and YowCH, Grace and Joseph rushed out for a quick dinner and Church Annual General Meeting.

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