200402 to 07 YowCH Quarantine Order (Covid-19)
YowCH attended a meeting on 24 March 2020 at LTA HQ and among the attendees, there was one person with confirmed Covid-19 infection. Once he was admitted to the hospital on 30 March, contact tracing begun and YowCH was notified by phone to stay home on 1 April, night time. On 2nd April, just before lunch, he received another call to inform that Quarantine Order has been issued, and YowCH needs to stay in a room until Quarantine is over (14 days from contact on 24 March, hence 7 April). He immediately prepared the table, computer, guitar and weights. Grace had to sleep either in Esther’s room or the living room.
David prepared lunch and served to him.
Dinner by Esther. All these while, YowCH is still working from home.
On 2 April 2020 night, MOH officers visited and delivered the official Quarantine Order letter. Also needed to take temperature 3 time daily, and expect Quarantine Officers to make video calls to check on the compliance to QO.
Simple meals prepared the children.
On Friday evening, we had our Beacon Family Group meeting via Zoom.
The next morning, Joseph prepared breakfast.
David bought lunch, wanton mee.
Simple dinner on Saturday by Esther.
Sunday breakfast by Esther.
The boys did their homework. Because of YowCH’s QO, all the children area issued Leave of Absence in order not to go to school, for risk of transmission.
YowCH spent the afternoon ironing about 50 pieces of clothes.
He has also been exercising with weights, planking and running on the spot.
Simple dinner.
The guitar provides some entertainment.
Working again on Monday, 6 April.
Simple lunch, by David.
Working on Tuesday morning, preparing for release!
At 12:05pm on 7 April 2020, YowCH completed the Quarantine period. He stretched his legs and went to ABC to buy KFC for lunch, and some groceries from NTUC.
The Quarantine experience was terrible. It was similar to being in jail, although with much better comfort, entertainment and food. Being confined to the room for 6 says was really restrictive, and thank God that it was over, and YowCH had not contracted Covid-19.
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