180610 Esther’s 16th birthday party

Here’s Esther at 16 with her new dresses:

We prepared food from morning for the 3:00pm party.

Chee Kean, Ming Meng and Jeanne arrived late morning, and we had chicken rice at home together for lunch.

The first two guests were our swim coaches Tobby and Francis.

We made guacamole and salsa dips for the tortillas, and chilli crabs. The nice fruit stack came from Tobby.

Esther’s church friends made a wall decoration.

More food: David’s steak, YowCH’s fried noodles, Grace’s honey baked chicken wings and Domino Pizza.

Joseph was helping with the cocktails.

The birthday cake came from Grace’s mom, a nice yam cake.

The Yongs came, too.

Esther drank a whole can of Anglia shandy.

She received many presents from very generous friends.

Thank God for a fun party that friends can meet up in celebration.

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