180310 to 12 Taiwan Trip 1/3

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We took an 8-day holiday from 10 to 17 March 2017 to Southern Taiwan during the one-week school break, to enjoy the sceneries, culture and food of the more peaceful part of Taiwan.

Here’s our overall tour map covering Taiwan’s Southern areas (Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Kenting) (click to view larger version):

This is the detailed map for the area within Kaohsiung (mostly we were at the Western Coast and Cijin Island) (click to view larger version):

Day 1: 170310 Saturday – Arrival & Kaohsiung

We packed our luggage and slept early on Friday night, waking up at 3:45am to start the trip. We took Uber/taxi to the airport, and while waiting, had O’Leary’s for breakfast.

Our flight from Singapore took off at 7:45am. Esther did some homework during the flight.

At 11:30am. we landed in Kaohsiung.

We took two taxis from the airport and reached F-Hotel to meet up with YowCH’s cousin and family, the Phans.

We deposited our luggage and walked out for lunch, getting very nice milk tea with pearls along the way.

Lunch was at a duck restaurant, Ya Rou Zhen, at 1:30pm.

After lunch, we took MRT to Sizihwan and visited the Takao Railway Historical Area from 2:40pm.

We took the local tour bus to visit the Wu De Kendo House.

Next stop, the British Consulate.

With a climb to the top of the hill, the view was fantastic.

This is the entrance to the university:

And this the entrance of the port:

We had tea on the hill, a relaxing time chit-chatting.

At 5:50pm, we took the harbour tour ferry to view the Kaohsiung Harbour from the sea.

Spectacular sunset.

After the boat ride, we had seafood soup dinner near the Sizihwan MRT Station at 6:50pm.

After dinner, we took the MRT and returned to the F-hotel, checking in at 8:05pm.

After settling down, we visited the Phans in their room for a while before sleeping at 10:40pm.

Day 2: 170311 Sunday – Cijin Island, Kaohsiung

We had breakfast in the hotel and left the hotel for the day’s tour at 9:05am.

This is Samuel with the Kaohsiung Bear.

The MRT Station is largely empty on a Sunday morning.

We wanted to roam Cijin Island, and we discussed getting bicycles, then electric bicycles to save some strength, and finally settled for electric motorbikes. With speed limited to 30km/h, any student can drive the bikes, so Esther drive Joseph (Joseph was not big enough to control the bike), David drove Grace and YowCH drove Samuel. The Phans were also on the bikes.

We drove the bikes onto the ferry and crossed to Cijin Island, landing at 10:15am.

We reached the first location, parked the bikes and walked through the Star Tunnel.

Then we climbed up the hill to visit the Kaohsiung lighthouse.

Lighthouse and fort

Very nice views.

The group photo.

After the lighthouse, we walked to the old fort on the hill, next to the lighthouse.

Again, nice views.

And lots of space for the children to run about.

From the fort, we hiked back to the bikes and rode into the food street where we have snacks for lunch at 11:50am, followed with street food.

We then roamed Cijin Beach and drove along the beach trail.

We visited the Hellship Museum.

And the Shells Gallery.

And the Rainbow Church.

At about 3:15pm, we have more street food and fish noodles at the Old Street.

We then took MRT back to the hotel, buying winter melon drink along the way.

We reached the hotel at 6:35pm and after the Phans collected their luggage, we walked with them out to the Love River.

At 5:50pm, we reached the MRT Station for train to the HSR, and the Phans went off. We walked the streets a little and had dinner at 6:10pm.

After dinner, we walked back to the F-hotel via another route along Love River. Nice night scenes.

We bought local beer and instant noodles for supper, while YowCH downloaded photos.

We slept at 10:15pm.

Day 3: 170312 Monday – Kaohsiung to Kenting

We woke at 6:45am, packed and had breakfast in the F-hotel before checking out.

Our driver/tour-guide, Mr Chen Wen Xiang, picked us punctually at 9:00am and we headed Southwards in the VW van.

We had a short toilet break at 9:50am at a 7-eleven along the road, and there was a beach to stretch our legs.

We reached the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium at 10:35am.

There was a touch pool.

And a large viewing tank.

And penguins and sharks.

At 12:45pm, we had lunch at Wan Rong Pork Legs.

Next stop, Maobitou, reaching at 2:05pm.

This rock looks like a cat with opened mouth.

A family photo.

While the air temperature was quite high, the wind was really strong.

After Maobitou, we visited Longluan Lake at 2:50pm.

This is a bird watching place.

After Longluan, we went to Kenting town, and checked into Hotel Star888 at 6:10pm.

After settling down a bit, we went out by the van to a nearby Xiao Wan Beach at 4:45pm. The water wasn’t too cold.

At 5:30 we went back to the hotel, showered and went out at 6:45pm for street food.

After the eat-and-walk, we returned to the hotel at 8:45pm. Grace and the boys slept at 10:00pm. Esther did homework, and YowCH worked a bit, and both went to sleep at about 11:45pm.

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