170610 to 18 Church Camp 2017, Melaka

We thank God for a 9-day long holiday with family, friends and our church mates, from 10 to 18 June 2017.

We woke up early on Saturday, 10 June, and started driving at 5:00am, reaching PJ at 8:30am. A nice and peaceful drive.

Breakfast was already waiting at home!

And then we had lunch.

For dinner, we went to Taman Mayang for steamboat at 有骨气.

Esther and David managed to balance a raw egg!

The next day, Sunday, we had breakfast at home, then drove to Melaka from 10:30am, reaching Hatten Hotel at 12:30pm. We then walked out to roam a bit and looked for lunch.

There was a guitar busker inside tte A Famosa, and Esther joined him on his ukulele, playing Hotel California.

We walked to Jonker Street, and the lunch crowds for chicken rice balls were just overwhelming. We walked a bit further and had peranakan food instead at Cafe 1511.

After lunch, we took beca back to the hotel.

Here’s a view of the Hatten Hotel.

Our room. Esther and David were sharing rooms with their friends, so only YowCH, Grace, Joseph and Samuel were here.

Views from the room, day and night.

Church Camp started at 4:00pm on Sunday.

At night, we had cup-noodles for supper.

On Monday, Esther played for the juniors, and David was assisting.

Our speaker, Dr. Alvin Low.

Another view from the hotel, towards Dataran Pahlawan and the historical district.

The pre-schoolers in the lift, as YowCH brought them down from the suite at level 19.

Some games in the afternoon.

And pool time, of course.

More supper.

The camp photo taken by Ryan, with management help from YowCH, on Tuesday, before we break for the free-and-easy lunch.

We walked to the nearby streets for chicken rice ball, Ee Ji Ban (一鸡板), with the Ngs and the OZ Lims. Took up 3 tables.

After lunch, we went chopping and had chendol ice-cream.

And at the end of the day, we had supper again.

On Wednesday, we decided to skip the hotel lunch, and walked to Nyonya Suan for peranakan lunch.

Then, it was pool time again.

That evening, the children performed some songs.

Esther was part of the worship team.

Thursday was the last day of camp.

YowCH made some announcements and then the camp ended at 11:00am.

Our yearly post-camp family photo.

We walked to a nearby restautant for bak kut teh lunch.

After lunch, we went shopping and then had some snacks before driving off at 3:00pm, reaching PJ at 5:30pm.

We had dinner at home, then visited Chee Kean and Ming Meng, followed by supper at Kayu.

Samuel was very pleased with his new sunglasses and leather cap.

On Friday evening, YowCH and Grace met Huen Weng, Wai Ling, Chee Kean and Ming Meng at Meatology, Taman Tun Dr Ismail for dinner. The children stayed at home.

We ate and chatted until 11:45pm.

On Saturday, YowCH and Grace went out to the Post Office to renew car driving licenses, then visited Loon’s new house at Taman Megah.

Mum and dad had a lunch to attend in Sunway, so we went to Sunway for lunch (有间面馆) and shopping.

Dinner was at SS2 hawker centre.

And then, supper at Kayu again. Samuel was really delighted with the huge roti tisu.

On Sunday, we packed to return to Singapore. We had lunch at home.

We then met Chee Kean and Ming Meng at Taman Megah Hometown Coffee at 2:00pm.

We left PJ at 3:15pm. The drive was fast, smooth and good.

But we were trapped at the Malaysian checkpoint for 1hr45min as it was the breaking fast time for Moslems.

We crossed into Singapore at 8:30pm, and had McD for dinner at West Coast Park.

Finally we reached home at 9:45pm, and with the cooperation from the children, we unpacked and cleared by 11:00pm.

Again, we thank God for the wonderful holiday with family, friends and for the pleasantly refreshing church camp.

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