160206 to 09 Chinese New Year (PJ and Singapore)

We drove to PJ on Saturday, starting at 3:15am. We packed lightly, but brought home a TV and our instruments to practice.

The checkpoint queue in Singapore was about 45mins, and in Malaysia 2 hours.

After that, it was clear traffic all the way.

We reached home at 9:00am, and went for Indian food breakfast near home.

We then spent time at home, and mounted the new TV.

Yan’s family arrived at about 11:15am, in time to enjoy the TV. then we had home lunch, followed with resting time at home.

In the evening, we left home at 5:30pm for dinner at Oriental, Vivamall, Cheras.

The third generation children were all present!

When we got home, we took a family photo.

Then our relatives reached our home, and we had great fellowship.

Sunday morning, we met Chee Kean and Ming Meng and the Tans at Kayu for breakfast, the usual mega-roti-tissue.

Then we got home for family time and to prepare lunch.

Some mahjong time, too.

At 3:45pm, YowCH and Grace (with Samuel) drove the Yongs to Kajang.

Traffic was clear and after a short rest at the Yongs’ home, we returned to PJ and reached home about 5:35pm, round trip of less than 2 hours.

Reunion dinner at Yows’ home, 7:00pm.

After dinner, we had a nice family time, and watched TV “The Monkey King”.

Monday morning, 1st day of CNY, we has simple breakfast at home of tang yuan and nian gao.

Then again, family time and dressed up for photos.

We had a nice 1st day lunch at home, and the Tans joined us.

We then rested (YowCH took a nap) and Yin Yin and children came over to visit.

We left home at about 3:45pm, and met Chee Kean and Ming Meng at Giant for coffee, then we bought some sundry.

We drove off from Giant at 5:30pm, and teh traffic was mostly very clear all the way to Tuas.

At Gelang Patah, the eateries were fuill, so we bought some snacks and bananas which we ate in the car during the queue.

After re-filling, we joined the queue, which was only about 20-30 cars length, cleared in 15 minutes.

We reached McDonald’s Bukit Merah Central and packed to bring home.

Reaching home at 10:00pm, we unpacked adn had our dinner/supper, before doing angpow accounting and going to sleep.

Tuesday, 2nd day, we woke up and spent some time at home for homework and other house works. We then went to Grace’s parents’ place (Sorrento) at about noon time.

Grace’s parents prepared a great steamboat and hot plate lunch.

We took the family photo after lunch.

Then YowCH and the children had some pool time while Grace was knitting.

We had dinner at home (pasta) and watched TV together, before reaching home at about 10:00pm.

Thank God for a nice CNY holiday, for family time, and safety in our travels.

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