131026 Samuel’s birth

We praise and thank God for the arrival of our fourth child, a son, on 26 October 2013 2:05am. We named him:

Grace felt the water leaking at 7:00pm on 25 Oct 2013 (Friday evening) while at home after work. YowCH had just picked Esther and David from school. We packed, dropped the children at Moh Guan and reached KK Hospital at 7:45pm. Immediately, Grace was placed in Delivery Suite 10.

At first, the contractions were not too hard and the dilation was not large.

At about 12:00 midnight, the contractions became strong and preparations were made. Dr KT Tan, on standby, entered the suite at 2:04am and the baby was delivered at 2:05am on 26 October 2013.

Samuel weights 2.45kg at birth. He cries nicely and started on breast feeding quite immediately after, sucking for about 1 hour.

You can see that Samuel is very similar to Joseph.

At 4:00am, we moved up to Ward 82-4.

Esther, David and Joseph came to visit at about 11:30am, brought by mum and dad.

Here is our first family photo:

UPDATED 27 Oct 2013:
With YowCH’s parents, who arrived in Singapore morning of 27 October 2013.

UPDATED 28 Oct 2013:

Grace and Samuel discharged from hospital at 11:30am on Monday 28 Oct 2013. We have gotten his birth certificate done in the morning. YowCH is carrying Samuel in the carseat.

Samuel is certainly OK with YowCH’s driving, slept soundly throughout the journey home.

At 12:45, Samuel is home!

Dad helped carry things, while mum was preparing lunch. We also took Joseph home, very helpful brother.

Samuel sleeping in his cot at home.

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One Response to “131026 Samuel’s birth”

  1. Bravo, Joseph – being a helpful big brother is setting such a good example for Samuel.

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