YowCH’s parents visit, and YowCH’s mum’s birthday

YowCH’s parents came to Singapore to stay with Yan for a week plus, and we spent the long weekend (from night of 27 April to 1 May) with them.

We had mum’s cooking for dinner at Yan’s place on Friday night, then lunch at Manhattan Fish Market on Saturday at Junction 8.

That afternoon, we went cycling at Bishan Park again.

The renovated park looks rather ‘natural’ in photos.

The night view is rather nice, too.

On Sunday, we had dinner at Yan’s place again, then took parents over to our home. YowCH and Grace took leave on Monday and met Yan at Vivocity for lunch with parents at Tunglok Signatures and shopping.

That afternoon, we watch Singapore movie “It’s A Great, Great World” which is about Great World City, then went to Great World City for dinner at Cz’zar and some shopping.

We ordered petai-tofu, but the petai was miserably little and minced up!

On 1 May, we had Fook Seng chicken rice for lunch, then spent the afternoon at Bishan. Mum cooked dinner and we had dinner together with PQ’s dad, who came to Singapore with PQ this afternoon.

Today is also mum’s birthday, so PQ got a nice coffee cake and we had a great time celebrating with mum.

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