Fried bananas, chopping board, YowCH run in rain and sites, Sam craft

Food 200810, fried bananas for lunch:

Grace had regular brisk walks in the evening.


YowCH bought a chopping board (mail-order from China), good stuff. After unpacking, the board was soaked in water for 24 hours.

It feels very good to chop on the thick timber board.

YowCH had leftover pasta for lunch on 11 Aug.

Simple lunch on 12 Aug:

And we bought noodles for dinner.

YowCH runs strictly to his schedule. Starting August, he runs 3x 4.0km weekly, on mornings of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, even when it rains.

After running, he does his gym routine.

Samuel had fun at home doing some craft we bought from China.

Food on 200813:


With the restrictions reduced and having gone for regular swab test, YowCH can visit his sites on 15 Aug, bridges at Simpang Kiri and at Sentul Crescent, both HDB jobs which he took over from SJ.

Later that evening, we had dinner at home with Grace’s parents and Gene.

Food on Sunday, 16 Aug:

Monster Curry at Novena Square, we sat at 2 separate tables.

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