Happy New Year 2020

YowCH ran 2.5km on the morning of 31 Dec 2019 and again the evening of 1 Jan 2020. Both runs were quite fast, at 12m40s.

We went for the Church Thanksgiving Service on 31 Dec 219 (7:30pm to 9:30pm), then visited Grace’s parents until past midnight. Esther and David went out with church friends for their youth groups activities.

We stayed at home on 1 Jan 2020, mostly to prepare for school, to clear the home and to rest.
Here’s a photo of Samuel, his is well above the 1.0m line on the wall now.

Compare with Feb 2019.

Esther and David reached home in the morning. We had chicken rice for lunch and then walked to Carrara for dinner.

We slept early at about 10:30pm to prepare for school and work in the new year.

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