General uploads

190907: Grace, YowCH, Samuel and Joseph had lunch at Tiong Bahru Plaza Tino’s, eating two very smelly pizzas (4 cheeses and durian) and a rice.

Samuel was rather tired after lunch, he slept in the car.

190909: We had a late dinner (more like supper) at Sin Hoi San. Samuel enjoyed his gong-gong. We enjoyed the chicken essence bull-frog. We also had petai, venison, pork ribs, mushroom-vege and fried beehoon.

190915: After swimming in the haze (PSI 120) we ate at the nearby Mei Ling food court. Grace did 20 laps, YowCH did 20 laps + 1 lap butterfly, Esther, David and Joseph each did 10 laps + 1 lap butterfly, and Samuel did 5 laps (4 breast and 1 free).

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