Weekend update
Here’s another photo, now with all the boys. Esther is still waiting for her O-levels results and start of Junior College.
On Saturday, YowCH went cycling as usual, but noted that after about 200km on the roads, the rear tyre has worn out. He will swap front to back shortly.
The usual weekend activity, we had Soccer training, and in this first session of the year held on 6 Jan, the children had games and training at Clementi Stadium, while the parents met with the managers and coaches to discuss the year plan at West Coast CC.
YowCH spoke on safety and proper behaviour.
At 5:30pm, the children reached West Coast CC by bus (David helped coordinate), and we had dinner together.
Grace helped with the food orders and serving.
The following weekend 13 Jan 2019, we had dinner with the Yongs for Siu Hei’s birthday. Esther was absent as she was in Cebu with Church on a mission trip (more details later).
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