IKEA shelves for boys’ room, BCG, Saturday activities

Grace was on leave from 14 to 18 Aug, and she managed to reorganize the boys’ room for new shelves. She took Joseph and Samuel to IKEA on 17 and 18 Aug, and bought shelves which the whole family helped in setting up, completing on Saturday, 19 August.

Joseph was the tallest allowable height to enter the IKEA play area, and Samuel at the minimum height.

Firstly, Billy book shelves:

And we made a loft play area under Samuel’s bed:

On Friday night, we had cell-group (BCG) meeting:

And on Saturday, Joseph had a dip with YowCH at Sorrento:

Followed with closing session of term 2 of KFC:

The children rehearsed for Teachers’ Day celebration next week.

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