South-west junior soccer league – game 1
Today, the boys played in the first game of the Junior League. Here is the team, all in the uniform!
This is the new jersey in detail. The West Coast Wolves name and logo were YowCH’s ideas.
West Cost Wolves are the hosts for this round, and we played at Kent Ridge Secondary School. YowCH was in charge of crowd control and first-aid. The weather was very hot!
Here is YowCH washing his hands after treating a case of a player having bleeding nose after being knocked on the face. The inset of the photo shows the red bag, which YowCH painted the White Cross and wrote FIRST-AID. YowCH treated 4 cases (kicked at the shin, kicked at the ankle, spectacles pad-arm pushed into nose bridge skin, and bleeding nose).
Here are some photos of David.
David sprained his left wrist, and therefore in bandage with splint (the splint is a wrist-guard for in-line skates).
And some of Joseph.
Joseph scored one goal, even when he is playing the under-9 age group (he should be playing under-7, but there wasn’t enough players for under-9).
Both David and Joseph did well this Sunday!
Tomorrow is Malaysia’s anniversary of Merdeka! May God bless Malaysia with leaders who are clean (bersih).
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