Soccer League – WC vs. BBEV

Today, we had our first match for the “South West Little League” – West Coast CSC vs. Bukit Batok East View RC. There are 5 categories – Under 6: 1 game (Joseph), Under 8: 4 games, Under 10: 4 games (David played 2), Under 12: 1 game and Above 13: 1 game. Grace was working (on a Sunday) so YowCH had all the children with him. Esther helped with the photos (together with another parent, Mr Liew) and looking after Samuel. Parents of the teammates also helped look after Samuel when both Esther and YowCH were in the field.

Here’s the team photo:

And here’s the pre-game photo of the two teams:

Coincidentally, both teams are red (we remembered BB as green).

YowCH was the manager for the Under 6 team. Joseph played goalkeeper for one half and striker for the next half. His game was a 1-1 draw.

David played goalkeeper and defender. He played two games, both won with 3-1 and 9-0.

Both David and Joseph played well and had a good time.

Here are some photos of Samuel during the game:

Thank God for nice weather and great games. We won 7 games, drew 3 and lost 1, scoring 24 vs. 6. A good chance for Esther to practice photography, too. Liew was using the 200mmf2.0 lens, fantastic DOF blur!

2 Responses to “Soccer League – WC vs. BBEV”

  1. What a great time you had! I too had a great time simply by looking at the photos!

  2. Esther took more than 300 photos with the SLR on 18mm-200mm or the 70mm-200mm lenses, mostly very nice football action! I took another 100 or so with the pocket camera.

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