New ukulele and some home reorganising

Over the last weekend, YowCH bought a new tenor ukulele which is bigger and better sounding. The new ukulele costs $85.60, and with it, Esther can play together with YowCH, making it easier for her to learn to play. You can see the new one is between the guitar and the first ukulele ($30.00).

Joseph is also quite interested in the “tar”; that’s what he calls a guitar.

We have also done some furniture reorganising in the house. With Grace’s parents’ old Gorm set used to make a shelf for Lego in Room 3 last Saturday. Thank God that Yan and Ping Quen came by for a while on Saturday, and PQ’s help was certainly appreciated to get the Gorm set up.

In Room 2, we have prepared the space for an upcoming double-decker bed, which will allow the three children to room together. The sliding bed shall be tucked in to be a spare bed.

Recently, Joseph has been asking to carry his own bag (he wants to copy his older siblings) and we have given him David’s backpack.

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