eFG CNY dinner at Leongs’ place

eFG had a CNY dinner at the Leongs’ place, with the tradition 鱼生to start off:
Animation will loop

Here are the children having fun and watching TV:

We also celebrated Enoch’s 8th birthday:

2 Responses to “eFG CNY dinner at Leongs’ place”

  1. Wow – so many kids. and to think that Samuel’s and Paul’s kids are absent. It’ll be a riot when we next do an eFG portrait.

  2. Yup, with 7 more from Ngs and Lims, and perhaps Oliver’s 2 and your jonah, that’ll be many many children.

    But one good way to get the photo would be to set the camera above the TV and play their favourite movie! They’ll all be looking the right way, perhaps even time it with a moment of excitement in the show!

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