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Guitar pedal, Finis Duo, KFC outing, YowCH hair dye at home, Esther driving

Esther got a second-hand effects pedal from a local guy, and she enjoys pairing it with the electric guitar. It is a Boss ME25, and she got it at $150 (new is about $300+).

David’s swim headphones (second-hand) spoilt after more than 30 months (since Aug 2018). He found the new Finis Duo on Amazon for $150.

YowCH, Grace and Samuel had instant noodles for lunch on Saturday before church. The older children went to church to eat.

YowCH took his KFC class (Primary 3) out to Clementi Woods Park for the KFC class outing.

Samuel didn’t get any photos because his Primary 2 class didn’t want to take any photos.

On Sunday, Grace went to work (afternoon shift) while the rest went for swim, followed by lunch at AC Master Prata.

Back at home, YowCH renewed his hair dye.

In the afternoon, Esther went for her driving class. She has been regularly driving on the road with the instructor.

For dinner (before fetching Grace), we went to United Square for dinner at Yayoi.