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Chye Joo CNY, Rainbow Centre CNY, Esther’s A-levels, BCG CNY

Chye Joo has a very festive CNY, with ‘start work hong bao’ for everyone:

The a nice lion dance (permit from Government):

Lion at YowCH’s seat:

The company provided packed lunch:

And later, order some pizzas and fried chicken for afternoon snacks.

Esther had pizza at Rainbow Centre for CNY!

Esther’s A level results were released on 19 Feb 2021, she got BCCCD.

Beacon CG had a small CNY gathering at Patrick’s place. We made siew yuk 2 nights before and cooked the sea cucumber stew the night before.

We also bought the stuff for the lou-sang.

Our friends made nice chapatti and humus, and a very different type of niangao (very nice).

Some photos of YowCH doing his regular 2x 6.0km weekly.