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January 2021 runs, fried nian-gao, dinner with Yongs

YowCH was consistent in his runs, rain or shine, day or night.

In fact, sometimes, Esther and David also ran.

For the month of January, YowCH managed 6.0km runs on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings, and also gym and stretching on Saturdays.

This is the run summary of the 30 Jan run, 6.0km in 34min00sec, his second fastest 6.0km run (the fastest was 5 secs faster at 33m55s). Heart rate ave 162 and max 176 (which is quite consistent with all the other runs). Average pace of about 5m40s or ave speed of 10.6km/h.

This calendar shows his runs for the month of January.

We also have our regular weekly swim (about 45 mins), typically about 500m each person. On 31 Jan, Grace had just finished night shift and missed swim. Here are screenshots of videos of Joseph, YowCH, Esther and David doing butterfly, and Samuel (middle) swimming freestyle.

We fried some nian-gao in the afternoon after swim, wrapped in spring roll skin. Tastes great!

We shared the dessert with friends, neighbours and the Yongs.

In the evening, we visited the Yongs and had dinner at Bishan.