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Food, YowCH lipids medication, Blue Trace token, Samuel writing Chinese, Youth Service at Church

27 Oct lunch.

28 Oct lunch and dinner.

29 Oct lunch. Esther and David remained at the School Canteen to study.

YowCH visited his site at Tanglin Halt.

YowCH also met his doctor who prescribed medication to control blood lipids, following the health check report. Taking “Lipanthyl Penta 145″ which is 145mg of Fenofibrate daily.

30 Oct breakfast.

At the swab test on 30 Oct, YowCH also collected the Blue Trace token used for contact tracing at construction sites.


A photo of Samuel doing his Chinese writing homework before going for Chinese tuition.

We had lunch at Xin Wang, WCP before the youths’ Church service, which had just restarted following the Covid lock-down.