Entries Tagged as ''

YowCH running shoes, Samuel craft and worship leading, swim training restarted, sunscreen for Odyssey

2 Oct, Grace and YowCH had breakfast together.

Then YowCH met Hoi Hoong and Hong Kian for lunch at the ‘school canteen’ opposite Connection One.

Some very expensive grapes with rubbery skin.

YowCH went for his regular 4.0km run. The Airmax Dynasty 2 burst at about 380km. For the next run, he wore the fake Adidas Ultra Boost bought in Vietnam.

YowCH had lunch with the children, noodles at Tongue-tip.

Samuel did craft for KFC, which arrived in a mail package a few days back.

Dinner at So Pho.

Sunday, 4 Oct, restarted swim training with coach Francis.

YowCH and Grace made a bespoke sunscreen for the Odyssey, works well! It had to be bespoke because the standard ones are too small!

Our lunch at Great World City after swim.

Samuel wearing Vietnamese Coffee next to Starbucks.

Samuel led worship in the online KFC!