Entries Tagged as ''

Cast iron pan and wok

We ordered a cast iron pan from China, as David says it is a good pan for steak and other meats.

It came prepared and ready for use, but we still washed and oiled to make sure that the pan was well oiled.

YowCH tied a rope around the handle to improve the grip, and folded and aluminium shield against the heat.

Nice to use!

YowCH later on ordered a cast iron wok from China, 15″ (largest that can fit into our sink for washing).

It came raw and unprepared, so David prepared the wok with the oiling and heating.

YowCH added the rope work to improve the handles.

Very good for cooking!

Food during Covid-19 period

Our food photos are here (Part 2):
We will update again in July.

Sports in May

We continued our sports to stay healthy, even with the lockdown situation.

Joseph went for some runs, 1.6km.

YowCH was regular in his 2.5km (3x per week) and 5.0km (Sundays).

Samuel went in-line skating (2.0km) while Grace went for brisk walks of 2.0km).

YowCH was also regularly doing weights and planking.

Instead of running, sometimes Joseph also skated.

Esther also joined in the skating.

As shown in the software records on the phone for his runs, YowCH has very regular in his runs, not skipping even in the rain.

Only David got lazy in May.