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Food during Covid-19 period

Our food photos are here (Part 2):
We will update again in July.

Sports in May

We continued our sports to stay healthy, even with the lockdown situation.

Joseph went for some runs, 1.6km.

YowCH was regular in his 2.5km (3x per week) and 5.0km (Sundays).

Samuel went in-line skating (2.0km) while Grace went for brisk walks of 2.0km).

YowCH was also regularly doing weights and planking.

Instead of running, sometimes Joseph also skated.

Esther also joined in the skating.

As shown in the software records on the phone for his runs, YowCH has very regular in his runs, not skipping even in the rain.

Only David got lazy in May.

Esther’s 18th birthday

Esther celebrated a low-key 18th birthday at home, due to Covid situation.

But she received lots of food and drinks ordered by her friends and family:

David prepared good salmon and steak for the dinner.

And we had watermelon after dinner.

Making cookies

After a random Facebook post about a Malaysian lady (Baizura Muhammad) having worked out a recipe similar to Famous Amos cookies, we tried our hands on it.
Round 1: 20 May: First try, we made them too large… but they tasted good. Without chocolate chips, we crushed cashew nuts instead.

Round 2: 23 May: Better now. We used Lindt 70% Cocoa chocolate (cut to chips from the bar), expensive stuff!

We gave some to friends, neighbours and Yan.
Round 3: 2 June: We made 2 portions in one go. Save electricity.

Lots of cookies, about half given away.

Haircut for Joseph and Samuel

We bought through EZBuy Xiaomi hair-clipper (and a fake Kenwood hand-mixer) in early-May, but they arrived only on 29 May 2020. Just in time to cut hair for school re-opening on 2 June.

That’s Joseph’s before and after.

YowCH’s did the barber duties.

And that’s Samuel’s before and after.

Somewhat more experienced after working on Joseph first.