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YowCH’s mom’s birthday, bubble tea and others.

On 1st May, we celebrated YowCH’s mom’s birthday with a lunch meeting. We bought lots of good stuff from Morganfields

We also ordered yam-cake in PJ and had it delivered to mom (via Chee Kean).

In the evening, lead by Esther, we made the tapioca flour balls for bubble tea, using gula melaka.

Tastes ok, but lots of work for a small thing, not worth the effort.

Our sub-woofer died earlier and YowCH spent some time to remove the parts and salvage the case and the working speaker. The case is now a seat for wearing shoes (and also a cajon) and the speaker is up on Carousell for sale.

Grace made nice covers for the cupboard in our room.

Here’s Esther helping Samuel with his church activities.