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Made mooncakes

We bought readymix flour and stuffings and made mooncakes! Actually, Samuel was very interested to do so. After mixing shortening (vege oil) and water into the flour, we left it to rest for 30 minutes.

Then we rolled the stuffings into balls and wrapped with the flour before putting into the mould to make the shape.

David wasn’t really keen on this activity, but he helped with cutting the butter paper for storing the mooncakes.

The finished product:

We made about fifty pieces and game a bunch of them away to swim coaches and neighbours.

Food and liquors, Samuel in white shoes, YowCH’s Air Max wearing out

Some of our dinners:

And our nice liquors:

Rambutans from YowCH’s colleague’s tree, nice.

Roku Gin (Japanese) from Paul, very very nice.

Samuel is in white shoes for photo taking. He will wear them next year when he enters Primary School.

YowCH’s Air Max covered about 360km of runs and very little walking, about to be worn out.

Esther cycling and sewing, playground, Joseph sawing and Air Max repair

Esther went cycling, and YowCH took some nice photos:

Esther also made some cloth cases using the sewing machine:

Joseph and Samuel had some fun time at the playground.

Joseph can saw, he helped YowCH saw pieces of wood to fix the bed.

David’s Air Max was worn out and the bubble burst, but everything else was OK. So YowCH though of an idea to use silicone to fill the bubble to repair the shoe.

The shoe works fine after silicone injection – but heavier and not so bouncy.

Weekend update – swim fun, home title redeemed, dinner with Yongs

We had some fun in the pool last weekend on 4 Aug after our weekly swim (but Joseph was ill and Grace was away at work).

YowCH collected the deed of Rumah Tinggi flat from the lawyer on 6 Aug. The flat is now ‘fully owned’.

We had dinner with the Yongs at our place on 9 Aug (which is the Singapore National Day), hot plate food after some games.

After dinner, Siu Hei go to try out using the sewing machine!

Grace attended Church Ladies’ Retreat

Grace attended the Church Ladies’ retreat over the weekend of 3 to 5 Aug. Click on the photos to view: