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Odyssey 1st inspection, Sorrento flooded, David’s Airmax worn out

The car is almost 3 years old, and YowCH sent the Odyssey for inspection ($70.62) with total traveled distance of 55,573km.

The inspection passed, and we can continue to renew road tax and drive the car.

While Gene, mom and dad were away from home, the washing machine hose burst and and Sorrento was flooded! Neighbours called Gene after seeing water floor out from the floor. YowCH went over to help rescue the situation, and managed to clean up the water in about 2.5 hours, using a makeshift squigy and a mop. Hair dryer was used to help heat up and dry under the cabinet.

Lesson learned: turn of the mains when water not in use.

David has worn out his Nike Air Max. He wore this for runs and to school, and the air bubble had burst after all the rubber was gone.

YowCH’s running shoes are also getting there.