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Samuel’s piano recital

Samuel had his first piano recital just 3.5 months since he started lessons with D-Flat Studios.

That was Aaron Goh (owner of D-Flat) introducing the session before many little children performed (mostly piano, but there were two singers).
Samuel’s turn was almost at the end, and he introduced himself and the songs he was to play. That’s his teacher, Valerie Tjota.

His playing wasn’t too bad, but rather soft (perhaps not confident).

Incey Wincey Spider, the last song had Esther accompanying him.

Supermoon Samuel, views from bedroom

Supermoon (full moon and nearest to earth) happened on Tuesday, but the moon was still very full on Wednesday night. YowCH brought Samuel out to see the moon and had some fun at the “O” of Block 38.

Saturday morning views from the bedroom window, before the regular run.

This is YowCH’s office tower.

This morning, YowCH ran 4.0km, and David did 2.4km.