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Weekend updates

Esther collected her new iPhone XR 64GB (Coral) on 15 Nov. She then sat for her final O-levels paper on 16 Nov (Fri) before changing to her new phone.

Incidentally, YowCH woke up to a stuck door pad-lock and had to climb the window to get out of the house.

We bought a new lock, and the locksmith’s charge to cut the lock was $50.

In the evening, we went to Spruce for dinner and music to celebrate the end of O-levels for Esther.

On Saturday, YowCH ran his usual 2.5km in 12m30s, quite a norm nowadays. After running, he went to Church Management Committee meeting, then his colleague’s wedding (in Yishun) and then attended church. The family went to join Sorrento for lunch before church.

On Sunday, we went for for our swim where Grace and YowCH did 20 laps each (YowCH completing 10 free-style laps non-stop). After which Esther and YowCH went for Christmas Caroling practice and musicians while the rest rested in Sorrento. After carols, YowCH, Joseph and Samuel attended football training, and then we all went to the birthday party of the Ngs, having a nice evening of food, beer/wine and live music.