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David and Joseph achieved Swimsafer 2.0 Gold Standard

The older boys took the Swimsafer Gold Standard (Stage 6) test on Sunday 9 Sept 2018. After the written paper, they swam the following:

Swim (use standing dive entry for Front-Crawl, Breaststroke):
1. 100m Front-Crawl (within 3:00 min)
2. 100m Breaststroke (within 4:00 min)
3. 100m Backstroke (within 3:20 min)
4. 50m Survival Backstroke
5. 50m Sidestroke
6. 15m Butterfly

Dressed in swimwear, long pants, t-shirt, perform the following sequence
1. Enter deep water using a compact jump
2. Perform a head-first surface dive to a depth of 1.8m (and perform ear equalisation, if necessary)
3. Swim through hoops on pool bottom for 5m and resurface
4. Swim 45m quickly using front crawl
5. Then, swim slowly for a further 50m using any preferred survival swim stroke. Remove pants in deep water and make a float with it while treading water for 5m.
6. Demonstrate Heat Escape Lessening Posture (H.E.L.P.) technique for 1min with the self-made float
7. Then swim 25m with the self-made float and climb out of the water

Here’s the freestyle (David much faster than Joseph):



And they passed!

Esther swam 10 laps and then escorted Samuel for 8 laps, while YowCH did his regular 10 laps.

Grace was at work this Sunday.

YowCH’s runs improved, wedding of YowCH’s colleague

YowCH’s runs improved from August, he can now cover 2.4km in 12 minutes, which is the Singapore IPPT grade A for his age. Not wanting to miss the regular training, he ran even during a rainy Saturday on 8 Sep, wearing his new compression tights (from Uniqlo).

After the run, we went to YowCH’s colleague’s wedding at Thomson Road Baptist Church. the service was conducted in Indonesian and English. David did not attend as he was in a stay-over with his church friends.

After the post-wedding lunch, we went to church, and after church, YowCH went to the same colleague’s wedding dinner while the family had dinner at Sorrento and then went home.