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Church Teachers’ day celebration

The Bible Church, Singapore celebrated Teachers’ Day on 25 and 26 August. As we attend Saturday service, we had a tea session before the church service.

Joseph lead the children and teachers in worship before eating.

The teachers took a group photo.

There were lots of nice food.

Later in the afternoon, during the main Saturday Service, the children presented a song, Thankful. Esther played the guitar (hidden on the left), YowCH played the ukulele and Joseph played the cajon (with Sean Koh) while Ryan (not in photo) played the piano to accompany the children.

Here is Samuel singing loudly and nicely!

Esther accepted by CJC through Choir DSA

We thank God that Esther has been accepted by Catholic Junior College through the Direct School Admission scheme for her Choir participation. She went through 2 auditions/interviews to secure the place. All she needs now is to have decent O-level results.