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Weekend update – West Fest flyers, Handle Bar, Italian cooking

We went to church on Saturday, and the our family group went to a few blocks in West Coast to deliver flyers to announce the West Fest, our church’s 60th anniversary community event to bless the neighbourhood. Esther had some practice in church, so David, Joseph and Samuel helped with this activity.

On Sunday, we went for our swim, where Samuel started on free-style. After swim, we went to Handle Bar for lunch. This is a biker-western theme bar-restaurant and adopts lots of DIY furniture. Good food and ambiance for reasonable prices.

Due to rainy weather, our soccer training was cancelled.
In the evening, we cooked Italian at home. David did a pasta vongole while Grace did baked veges and grilled prawns. We also had scalded cockles. We shared this nice dinner with Grace’s parents.