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YowCH at MBS rooftop

YowCH was invited to a corporate event at Ce La Vi (rooftop) of Marina Bay Sands on Thursday evening.

The view was very nice, after rains in the afternoon, with cloud covered buildings.

The night view was great, too.

Here’s the Southern view for Gardens by the Bay and Marina Barrage.

David is now 13, glass coating for the Odyssey, Korea trip

David turned 13 on 24 March. We got him a Molten GG7x Composite Leather outdoors basketball and had Korean food dinner with the family at The Gogi (Alexandra Central) on Saturday evening.

The Odyssey had been covered by a tough layer of dust sometime early March that wasn’t easy to wash off, so YowCH sent it back to Honda for the Threebond Glass coating on 28 March, which includes washing and polishing. With a 20% discount, the deal was good as we a about $540 to get rid of the sticky dust, got the car polished, cleaned the interiors and protected the paintwork with the glossy glass coating.

We had a 9-day holiday in Korea from 11 to 19 March, but we have not finished processing the photos. Here is a teaser photo and our trip map.