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CNY 15th day dinner with Grace’s parents and Gene

Today is the 15th day of the Chinese New Year, and Grace’s mum made a great dinner!

That’s a we-fie before food.

And here we go messing-up again.

Some of our interesting fusion of East and West.

At the end of dinner, we took a nice set of family photos.

Another liquor, CNY dinner with KTP Infra/Geo teams

Another nice and colourful mix, Campari at the bottom, Blue Curacao in the middle and Rum at the top. Goes well with bitter-sour grapefruit.

On 8 Feb 2017, YowCH booked a dinner for the KTP Infra and Geo teams to celebrate CNY at Tunglok Signature, Vivocity. Te food was great, and the fellowship even greater.

Beacon CG CNY dinner

We celebrated CNY with our Care Group friends, the Beacon CG people, together with eFG at the Ngs’ place on Friday night 3 Feb 2017. Lots of nice food.

We supplied the drinks.

We had yu-sheng, too.

It was also Jonah’s birthday!

We had a nice evening of fellowship.

Car update, YowCH at NUS, Joseph’s AT-AT

Our Odyssey have just gone past the 10,000km mark.

On 2 Feb, YowCH was invited by his business friend to give a short speech to the NUS School of Design and Environment night class for Masters degree class about the Civil Engineering market.

At home, Joseph built his foam-card AT-AT, a gift from the Ngs for his birthday.