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Samuels’ wings, foam sheet and shark for swim, Takamine 12-string guitar

Here’s Samuel with his wings. Inspired after watching Falcon in action in the movie Captain America: Winter Soldier, David and YowCH built this for him.

We got ourselves some 2nd hand foam sheets to enjoy in the Sorrento pool. Most other people use these for yoga or children play area. These are good one-inch thick ones, most are only half-inch.

We also got ourselves another inflatable ride to accompany the Crocodile, a new Shark.

Grace found a used Takamine EG531SSC 12-string guitar on Carousel for sale at $800.00. We bargained down to $700, and picked up the good buy on the night of 24 Oct 2016 (Monday).

The fret-board was good, the pick-up working well and comes in a nice padded (furry) case. The strings are rather rusty and one G-string was missing, but we need to re-string the guitar anyway. Bright and sharp sounds typical of a Takamine, with nice reverbs. But the 12-string needs harder strength to play and Esther may not be playing this until much later.

This 12-string is most probably the last guitar to add to our line-up.