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Odyssey collected, David PSLE Orals

Kah Motor registered the Odyssey on Wednesday and managed to issue the car to us on the morning of 18 Aug 2016. We met the agent to go through the car at 10:15am and drove off at 11:45am.

Here’s one last look at the Isis (we bought in 2009) that served us very well for the past 7 years and 4 months:

The Isis was driven 161641km in total.

At collection, here are the two cars with the same plate:

The Isis now bears SLF1912M.

Here’s the new car (more info on the Odyssey page):

Some internal views, with Grace, Joseph and Samuel (Esther was in school, David was taking his PSLE English Oral, and Joseph had PSLE leave).

And here’s a look at the panel at night.

Thank God for the new car, nicely comfortable for passengers and driver, but not as aggressive driving due to the CVT and weight of the car.

David’s PSLE English Oral is on 18 Aug, and Chinese Oral on 19 Aug. Then it will be the final preparations for the PSLE written papers.