Entries Tagged as ''

YowCH’s parents and sister visit, mum’s birthday

For the long weekend of Labour Day, YowCH’s parents and sister Loon and family came to Singapore. We took leve on Friday, 29 April and prepared dinner.
First, an afternoon snack of fried bananas:

Dinner for 15:

Details of the dishes:

After dinner chit-chat:

On Saturday, we bought chicken rice and cooked some food, plus we added durian sorbet:

Here’s using Yonanas to make durian sorbet, the prep work was done in advance before lunch to freeze.

And then we used the Yonanas machine to make the frozen cream.

YowCH’s sisters liked the machine, so we picked up the two units seen at Salvation army for them at $20 each (new about $100).

On Sunday, 1 May 2016, that’s YowCH’s mum’s birthday, we made yam cake. Preparing the yam and meat:

Frying up and mixing the flour:

Placing into bowls and steaming:


Final product:

We celebrated mum’s 69th birthday at Yan’s place:

Followed by dinner at Yan’s Palace (restaurant in Chinatown):

And then we finished up the durians: