On the eve of New Year, we went to church for the Thanksgiving Service, then returned home to have some quiet family time. Grace worked on 1 Jan 2016, and YowCH brought the children out to cycle.
We even rode to the home of our friends, Quincy and family. Later, we had chicken rice for lunch, and started Samuel on the small bike to see if he can balance. Not ready yet:
Then we had a nice Western meal at The Ship to start off 2016.
This restaurant was where YowCH brought Grace out for a nice meal the first time when they dated back in 1994.
A nice dinner!
On Saturday we went to church, and just before reaching church, we had the children pose for this photo, showing all our children rolling their tongues:
Then we had a nice grill dinner at Grace’s parents’ place.
On Sunday, just before school re-opens, Grace went to work again. YowCH brought the children to swim class and chicken rice lunch thereafter. Then Esther took bus to ballet class while YowCH brought the boys to the West Coast Wolves soccer training. Samuel was happily joining in the fun.
This is Joseph:
And David:
Tags: David, Esther, Family, Joseph, Samuel by yowch
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