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YowCH ran 10km, Joseph & David shoe bags, Samuel with backpack, dinner at Porn’s

This is the first time YowCH managed to cover 10km in a run. Well, there was included about 1.2km of walks (should have persevered and walked less for better timing).

Just short of 2 minutes and 37 seconds to keep the 10km under 1 hour.

The target was originally 8km, but along the way, high in adrenaline, he decided to push to the 10km.

The swim with the family after the run (and breakfast) was very relaxing!

In the afternoon, Joseph and David went for soccer while Esther went to ballet. The boys had new shoe bags, matching colours with their water bottles.

For dinner, we went to Star Vista. Samuel carries his own backpack with water bottle and diapers and changing stuff.

Dinner was Thai food at Porn’s (Pornsak’s). Very nice!