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Samuel’s new uniform, YowCH running, Drum set, Transformers

Firstly, we bout the new school uniform for Samuel, the smallest size XS, and yet he is too small to wear. We’ll keep them for later.

As YowCH started running again, the building up progress is good, with records up to this morning as below:

Here are some selfies of the very sweaty YowCH after this morning’s 6.0km.

Target to reach 10km before the HomeTeamNS REAL Run 2015 Sentosa run on 17 May.

Yesterday, we got ourselves a second hand drum set, Fender Starcaster, with hi-hat, snare, bass, floor tom, 2 tom-toms and a crash. All for $180, not too expensive, but taking up lots of space at home.

Esther can play pretty well, David is picking it up fast, and Joseph is keen.

Samuel was also very excited over the drums! Very loud.

We will need to sell the set and buy digital instead (for space and also lower noise).

We got ourselves Superion (Aerialbots) and Menasor (Stunticons), for Joseph and David respectively. The models are not too nice, but simple and fun enough for the boys, and rather affordable (each set about $140). Both can be posed very nicely.