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Sengkang Swimming Complex, guitar for Esther

Grace is off today, and YowCH took half-day leave in the afternoon to bring the children to Sengkang Swimming Complex. The place was very nice and fun, with many water-based play areas. However, the fun was cut short by lightning risk, we spent only about 45 minutes there, having driven for 30 minutes from home.

Being a weekday afternoon, the place was rather empty of people. This swimming complex has indoor Olympic-sized pool, training pool, children play area, baby pool, water slides and jacuzzi.

Samuel had so much fun that he kept running back to the water-play area even when the lightning warning was on.

After the water-play session, we drove to Tampines to pick up a second hand (practically new) Takamine 3/4 Acoustic Guitar GX11ME-NS for Esther. This is partly given to her as birthday present, and partly paid by herself.

At $330 with a nice padded bag and strap, it is a good buy. The “Taka-mini” sounds very bright and the pick-up works very well.

Here’s a photo of the guitars on the rack (5 total, Takamine 3/4 acoustic, Ibanez acoustic, Congress 3/4 classical, Aria 3/4 electric, Ibanez electric)

Samuel’s new uniform, YowCH running, Drum set, Transformers

Firstly, we bout the new school uniform for Samuel, the smallest size XS, and yet he is too small to wear. We’ll keep them for later.

As YowCH started running again, the building up progress is good, with records up to this morning as below:

Here are some selfies of the very sweaty YowCH after this morning’s 6.0km.

Target to reach 10km before the HomeTeamNS REAL Run 2015 Sentosa run on 17 May.

Yesterday, we got ourselves a second hand drum set, Fender Starcaster, with hi-hat, snare, bass, floor tom, 2 tom-toms and a crash. All for $180, not too expensive, but taking up lots of space at home.

Esther can play pretty well, David is picking it up fast, and Joseph is keen.

Samuel was also very excited over the drums! Very loud.

We will need to sell the set and buy digital instead (for space and also lower noise).

We got ourselves Superion (Aerialbots) and Menasor (Stunticons), for Joseph and David respectively. The models are not too nice, but simple and fun enough for the boys, and rather affordable (each set about $140). Both can be posed very nicely.

Swim, YowCH running and dinner with Yongs

The usual of Sundays, we went for our swim, and Samuel is now wearing a new and bigger swim suit. He loves it.

Esther and David can swim butterfly now, but will need more refinement. Joseph’s frog-style is good, and he can swim non-stop now.

Samuel enjoys being in the pool, plays well in the water and no longer cries.

Other than swimming, YowCH has started training his running after 6-year stop, for a 10km run in mid-May. He started 3 weeks ago, and can now run for about 3.5km. Long way to catch-up.

We had dinner at United Square with YowCH’s sister and family. The Yong-children are very grown up now, and able to interact very nicely with the Yow-children over dinner, at Bangkok Jam.

We ordered a nice selection of food, and desserts. Grace had petai spaghetti (weird), YowCH had phad thai (kuay teow), Esther had olive fried rice (no photo) and David had chicken kebab. Joseph had the free kid’s meal of a rather miserable burger. For desserts, we had coconut ice-cream with red-rubies, mangos with sticky rice, and durian pannacotta.

It is always nice to have dinner with family.

A new bed for Samuel

As Samuel dislikes the confines of the baby cot very much, we decided to upgrade him to a bed. Grace found a second-hand IKEA Kritter bed ($89 new) with Vyssa Snappna mattress ($40 new) for $50 at Tiong Bahru, so we drove over to the place after dinner and picked up the bed. It is in very good conditions as the owner (small boy) did not want to sleep on the bed so the parents sold it off. The mattress is cheap and soft foam, but for Samuel, it should be OK.

It fits just nicely into the car, with all 6 of us, too! The older children were very helpful in carrying and loading/unloading it.

Upon reaching home, and while we prepared the space by clearing the old cot, Samuel was already taking to like the new bed.

After cleaning the bed and the room, we moved the bed into place, under the close supervision and occasional help by Samuel.

That’s Samuel on his new bed. He likes it. We added some cardboard under the mattress as we can feel the bed planks under the soft mattress (cheap foam).

Here’s a little story about the cot. We found the cot thrown away at Redhill Close a few months prior to Esther’s birth in 2002. Thanking God for the free cot, we took it home and cleaned it. We had to find a piece of ply-wood and cut to size, and also bought a mattress from IKEA and cut it to size. The door rails were also damaged, which YowCH repaired. Esther was born when the new paint we applied was still wet! After 13 years, we left the cot, the board and the mattress at our Rumah Tinggi ground floor, perhaps someone else can make use of this cot.

Samuel in uniform

This is Samuel in the Learning Vision uniform, the old design.

We need him to grow bigger (much bigger) to fit into the new design which we bought for Joseph.

Good Friday at church playground, Esther baking with friend

We spent some time at the Church playground after Good Friday service.

Samuel really enjoys the slides. But he likes to slide head down!

Here are the children playing.

The 4.

Esther invited her friend, Chloe, over to our place and practiced baking cupcakes for her school exams.

While waiting for the cake to bake, they played Wii for a while.

David was also inspired and he did some crepes, filled with Nutella, peanut butter or marmalade.

Samuel’s first day in Toddler, Esther’s cross-country win

Today is Samuel’s first day as Toddler. He must wear uniform now, but we let him wear the very old design (David’s time).

Esther ran in her school’s cross-country race last Friday at Macritchie Reservoir, and got 6th place under Sec 1 Girls category. She’ll be training more to improve her time and position in running.