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Samuel’s last day in Infant class, David’s birthday (last week)

Today is Samuel’s last day as Infant (2-18 months). He joins toddler class (with school uniform!) tomorrow, 1 April.

We forgot to post David’s birthday celebrations last week. We had a dinner at Brotzeit (his preferred food) on Monday evening and gave him the Blockopedia (Minecraft info book) on Tuesday (his birthday).

Weekend update, with LKY’s funeral

Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, died on Monday, 23 March 2015. The entire country, and even many international communities mourned for him. In Singapore, the mourning and process covered the entire week, and ended today with his body being brought from Parliament House to UCC, and finally to Mandai for cremation.

On Saturday, while Grace was at 1/2-day work in the morning, YowCH brought the children out to the common area for some cycling fun.

Samuel had some fun being pushed on the Y-glider.

Here are three sharks circling round the baby (more like 2 sharks and 1 guppy).

Joseph tried the beam, but not successful yet.

On Sunday, Grace had to work from 12:30 to 9:00. We left early to avoid the road closure for LKY’s funeral procession along Jalan Bukit Merah, and had lunch at Marco at Novena Square. Food was great.

After lunch, Grace left for work and we shopped a little at Novena Square. We followed LKY’s funeral through Youtube Live on YowCH’s phone.

Terrapins update: new large pump-filter

With the terrapins growing up, we fill the tank with more water and have just installed a larger pump-filter. Now both are large pumps.

Compare with the previous pumps (one large and one small).

Alive Museum

We visited the Alive Museum on Wednesday 18 March (mid-week of the 1 week school holidays). It is rather nice, but having gone to the Resort World Trick-eye Museum first, this is comparatively poor. The backgrounds are mostly painted on walls and the space is too tight for good photography. Click on the photos below to jump to the page.

YowCH’s football coaching course 13-15 March 2015

In order to coach the junior football team better, YowCH attended the FAS (Football Association of Singapore) FIFA Grassroots Football Coaching program from 13 to 15 March 2015 held at the People’s Association HQ at King George’s Avenue (Jalan Besar). The course was conducted over Friday evening 6:30pm to 10:30pm, Saturday 8:00am to 6:00pm, and Sunday 8:00am to 12:00noon.

With the coursework on training children, the program ended on Sunday with an actual organisation of a Football Fiesta. YowCH, being appointed the Deputy Chief, arrived at 7:00am to check the field, set-up and get things ready. The children rom various neighbourhoods arrived at 8:00am and the coaching team registered them, divided into teams and lined them up.

This is the setting up for the official group photo.

And here are the coaches ready to receive the children. YowCH is at the end (red shorts).

And so the games started, with 8 stations for various drills and short games, rotating the 16 teams to try each of the stations.

The medic was rather busy with minor injuries. The idea to number the water bottles for ID is fantastic.

Here’s a nice pano view of the PA field with Jalan Besar Stadium in the background.

At the end, after the 8 rounds to rotate among the 8 stations, the field was divided into 2 and the children were split into 2 great teams to play against 2 teams of coaches, great fun chasing after 1 ball!

After everything, a short de-brief by the Chief, followed by catered food.

YowCH received a certificate of attendance for the course. good experience to share with the West coast team coaches, in the approach, warm-ups, training plan and event organisation. Here’s the official photo of the Volunteer Coaches who attended this training course.

Updated 20 March 2015:
Added several photos taken by the event photographer.

Manual juicer and Esther’s wins in school

We bought a manual slow juicer. It works, but the user works very hard, too to grind the fruits. Particularly hard fruits like apples. But it is slow, in order to squeeze the juice out. From Brand name is GDL, Gao Dalai.

But it works nicely.

Esther got second place at her school Scrabble competition and got a $10 Popular Bookstore voucher. She also won the school Instagram for food photography, she submitted 6 entries, and there were total of 42 entries.

Weekend update

Our church cell group, eCG, had our lo-hei at the Leongs’ place on Friday night.

Esther and Grace made some really nice cupcakes and shared them.

On Saturday, at about lunch time, YowCH’s parents arrived with Loon, Daren and Yen Li. We had lunch at Goldhill Chicken Rice.

Then the Tans went to visit relatives, and the Yows had dinner at Great World City’s Crystal Jade. With the CNY crowd, the adults were seated away from the children, at two distant tables.

After dinner, we sent parents to Bishan.

On Sunday, we spent some time at home in the morning, and we took some photos of Samuel happily walking about. Here’s Samuel taking a fun-stroll outside home.

As usual, we went for our swim before lunch. The boys then went to the Community Football League friendly matches at Rainforest, Turf City.

David was rather tired after the swim, but he played very well.

Joseph was not very focused and didn’t play too well, but he tried.

For dinner, the whole family (parents, us, Yongs and Tans) met at Star Vista and had seafood at Boston Seafood Shack.

This morning (Monday) is the start of David’s 3-day camp with his school. Here’s David with his camping bag fully packed.

The Tans and parents returned to PJ after breakfast.