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Accident on AYE, boot crushed

YowCH drove Esther to church on Saturday afternoon, and after dropping her, met with a multi-car accident at about 3:00pm on the AYE towards City, just under the Buona Vista flyover. Car 1 (blue taxi) braked hard (probably due to the other 4-car accident further to the front). Car 2, silver car, swerved right and avoided the taxi. Car 3, YowCH, braked, swerved left and was hit from behind by car 4 (yellow taxi). When YowCH got down, there was actually car 5 (maroon taxi) which hit car 4. There was only YowCH in the car at the time, and the speed was about 80-90km/h as the road was rather crowded, with good distance between cars.

The damage on the blue taxi was minimal, some paint scratches from YowCH’s front right bumper. The yellow taxi’s head was pushed in, having crumpled our boot. But the worst seemed to be the maroon taxi, with the hood popped and the radiator leaking.

On survey, the external damages:
Rear – tailgate and bumper.
Front – bumper right (scratches), fender bent a little, rim scratches.

Internal damages:
Rear – floor bent, seat stuck, plastic panels bent and broken, reverse light wire damaged.

Thank God no injuries, and all involved will report to insurance to take care of it. Car repair will take 2 weeks or so, and YowCH will rent a car in the meantime. We are also thankful to all the friends who offered assistance upon hearing this.