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Shelf & cabinet, West Coast National Day dinner

With the KKH childcare moving out, there was a sale of the furniture and we got a shelf and a cabinet. Rather large and nice timber ones, and barely managed to fit into our car!

On 2 Aug 2014, we joined the West Coast residents in the National Day Dinner, having gotten free tickets under the football team. We walked over to Clementi Wood Secondary School after church. There was a fair before dinner and we shared a table with Raphael and Kieran’s family.

Dinner started at about 7:30pm. The food was reasonably good, worth the $25/person (but we shouldn’t complain as we got the seats for free). Our table had 4 adults and 7 children!

We stayed on and enjoyed the joyful atmosphere in celebration of Singapore 49 years, and left at the end of the event at about 10:15pm. A rather interesting experience for us.