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Washing communion cups, dinner with mum

Today, we started our duty in washing the Holy Communion cups. Esther did most of the washing, with David drying and Joseph helping with arranging.

Some friends in The Well also helped, and Grace did the final checks on cleanliness.

Later in the evening, we had dinner at Sin Hoi San with mum (and dad and Gene, of course) to celebrate mum’s birthday.

We ate a grand feast of great food:
Coffee ribs, tofu-mushrooms-spinach and garlic fried mantis shrimps.

Ginger fried bull-frog and Hong Kong style steamed Green Wrasse (青衣). The fish is very tender and sweet.

Finally, the dish-of-the-day, Alaskan King Crab (2.5kg, split into black pepper fried and cheese steamed). Very expensive but tasty and nice meat.