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Oktoberfest dinner and baby cot

We had dinner last night at Brewerkz (Riverside Point) after soccer and ballet. We were really in the mood for Oktoberfest – beer, pork knuckles and sauerkraut. We ordered some drinks (virgin mojito for David and Shirley Temple for Esther, with a Honey Apricot Ale for sharing), the Massive Pork Knuckle, Black Angus Rib-eye 300gm, Beer-batter Onion Rings and Sautéed Mushrooms.

As the beer (Honey Apricot Ale) was a fruity-tasting fresh-brewed hand-crafted ale, the children each got to taste it (and so did Grace). The beer was not too harsh on YowCH (who reacts to hop with bad skin swelling).

Joseph and Esther liked it, David hated it and Grace felt that it is still too bitter. This was the beer that ran the fastest among 5 types when YowCH organised a beer tasting party last month for ACES-YPC.

Here you see David and Esther cutting the very delicious rib-eye.

At home, we have just set-up the baby cot, the very same one we picked up from the neighbourhood dump almost 12 years ago for Esther.