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YowCH hit his head

YowCH had a bad dream on 9 Oct 2013, and at 4:30am, rolled off the bed and fell on the ground. Unfortunately, the dumbbells were right at the bed-side and his head hit the metal in the fall, resulting in a deep gash on the right eye-brow. After a stunned 15 mins and applied pressure to stop the bleeding, he went back to sleep. Next morning, with a plaster stuck, he sent the children to school, Grace to work, sat in a meeting at work, and attended the SITCE conference in Suntec City. By the time he saw the doctor at about 2:45pm, the wound has clotted and closed up, so no stitches needed.

Today, 3 days later, the swelling has reduced and the bruise is improving.

Thank God that the damage was not serious and missed the eye. Lesson learned: keep the area around the bed free of any hard objects.

Isis at 100,000km

The Isis has reached 100,000km today, at about 4.5 years (we got the car on 9 April 2009).

YowCH at conference and seminar

From Monday 7 Oct to Wednesday 9 Oct, YowCH attended the Singapore International Transport Congress and Exhibition (SITCE2013) at Suntec City (organised by LTA and UITP)

There were more than a thousand international delegates from authorities, consultants, researchers, contractors and suppliers.

LTA’s Land Transport Master Plan 2013 was launched at the SITCE opening ceremony.

But he missed Monday afternoon’s session as YowCH was a speaker at HDB’s Erosion Control Measures Seminar held in the HDB Hub Auditorium.

The audience was mostly HDB’s project staff, contractors and consultants.

Joseph eating rice with chopsticks

Joseph started using chopsticks on 15 September 2013, and tonight, he ate dinner by scooping rice from a bowl using chopsticks. We were at Mouth Restaurant at Vivocity, eating Sam Sui Chicken.

Lunch with Yongs

We met up with YowCH’s sister’s family for lunch at Square2, where we ate at Bread Bar (油炸鬼, yau-jar-guai, officially in Mandarin, you-tiao, 油条). There is a page in Wikipedia for this simple food.

The meal included curry chicken, bak-kut-teh, assam chicken, tau-fu-fa, kekou mian, and of course plenty of yau-jar-guai.

Baby 4 at 35 weeks

We visited the doctor today and everything is great, praise the Lord. 1 ultrasound image of his face added to Baby 4′s page.