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Taipei 101 model completed

We bought a Taipei 101 cardboard model at Taipei 101 gift shop. After working on it over 4 days (intermittently), it is completed. Rather challenging as it requires some detailed cutting, plenty of gluing and great care in assembly. Esther, David and YowCH worked on this project.

The base is 20cm x 16.5cm and the height is 52cm.

Grace’s new phone – HTC One SV LTE

After using YowCH’s old HTC Desire for a few months, Grace got her new phone on Good Friday, a white coloured HTC One SV. Large screen, high res (460×800), large memory, runs fast, nice speakers (for a small phone) and 4G LTE version. Paid $248.00 for it with 2 years’ contract, while the recommended retail price is $688.00.

David’s birthday food

For David’s 9th birthday on Sunday 24 March 2013, he chose to eat 4 “lau sar bao” 流沙包 (literally bread filled with flowing sand, actually filled with salted-egg yolk custard, sweet-salty tasting) for lunch, and Japanese Ramen for dinner. No cakes (very disappointing to Joseph)!

Trip to Taiwan

We took leave last week and had a 6-day holiday in Taiwan from 18 to 23 March 2013. We met YowCH’s cousin, Wei Lian, and had a great time having holiday together with his family.

Please visit the pages here:
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Yows and Phans:

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Expecting Baby 4

We met the doctor at KKH on 13 March 2013 and confirmed that Baby 4 is on the way! This is after the previous miscarriage in August 2012. Estimated arrival of the baby is Nov 2013.

Here is the page for Baby 4.

Wall Tracks added

We got two more sets of Wall Tracks, one from Taipei and one from Malaysia. Just added them on today, now the tracks starts much higher and the car takes 20 seconds to run down the wall.

Refer here for the previous posting with the initial set-up.